Promo Skrining Pemeriksaan Jantung dan Cek Kadar Vitamin D Dalam Tubuh, Promo September 2024
Promo Skrining Pemeriksaan Jantung dan Cek Kadar Vitamin D Dalam Tubuh, Promo September 2024

Overseas Case Correspondent

We are very pleased to have assistance partners abroad where we can provide assistance to their clients who are sick while in Indonesia

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Tentang Overseas Case Correspondent

About Overseas Case Correspondent

Our Alarm Center coordinator will open a new file every time he receives a new medical case, then we will work as directed by a foreign client. Our medical staff will make an assessment and make recommendations. All arrangements including payment guarantees to the facility provider will be implemented after obtaining the approval of our overseas partners

When local medical facilities are insufficient to treat the patient, we would recommend moving the patient from the location to the nearest region or abroad where better facilities and medical expertise are available for treating the patient's illness.