Promo Skrining Pemeriksaan Jantung dan Cek Kadar Vitamin D Dalam Tubuh, Promo September 2024
Promo Skrining Pemeriksaan Jantung dan Cek Kadar Vitamin D Dalam Tubuh, Promo September 2024

Company Medical Assistance

Domestic Companies Medical Assistance Designed for Local Institutions to Maintain Employee Productivity Meeting Requirements

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Program Company Medical Assistance

Program Company Medical Assistance

This program is designed to keep employees safe, free from worries at work, and will ultimately keep productivity high.

Employees under this program are entitled to the following assistance:

Medical consultation with our doctor
Simple transport settings
Medical facility reference
Doctor reference

About Company Medical Assistance

This program is suitable for companies whose main activity is to deploy employees to remote places, mobile working or travelling for a certain period of time.

The company may send us in advance a list of staff to be assigned along with the general activities during the distance from home, location, route, mode of transportation, time of duty, etc. Based on the information provided, we'll map and gather some medical information about the location, public facilities, and medical evacuation plans. Tirta Assistance & Services will provide a membership card to access the service

This program is suitable for companies whose main activity is to deploy employees to remote places, mobile working or travelling for a certain period of time.

The company may send us in advance a list of staff to be assigned along with the general activities during the distance from home, location, route, mode of transportation, time of duty, etc. Based on the information provided, we'll map and gather some medical information about the location, public facilities, and medical evacuation plans. Tirta Assistance & Services will provide a membership card to access the service