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Undergoing a Medical Check Up (MCU) is an important stage in the recruitment process for many companies. Here are 11 tips to help you pass an employee MCU successfully:

These tips will help you meet the health standards expected by your employer. The following is a more complete discussion on tips to pass the company health check:

1. Increase in Mineral Water Consumption

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is essential for long-term health. Not drinking enough can increase the risk of chronic diseases like heart failure, diabetes, chronic lung disease, and dementia, according to research from News in Health (NIH).

Women should aim to drink around 9 glasses of fluid a day, while men should aim for about 13 glasses. This should mainly come from water or other low-calorie drinks.

2. Get Enough Sleep

Adequate sleep is essential to ensure accurate MCU test results. Sleeping for 7-9 hours per night helps the body rest and prepare for the medical examination.

Not sleeping enough can affect blood pressure, heart rate, and hormone levels, which can impact an employee’s health test results.

3. Regularly Exercise

Regularly Exercising helps keep the body in tip-top shape. Regular exercise improves heart health and decreases the chance of chronic diseases, as stated by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Avoid vigorous physical exercise the day before the MCU check as it can impact blood test results, like increased muscle enzyme levels.

4. Manage Stress Well

Anxiety can affect MCU results, especially blood pressure and heart rate. Try to stay calm and relaxed during the examination. Deep breathing techniques and meditation can help you reduce stress well.

Stress and anxiety can affect both physical and mental health, so it’s important to manage stress to get accurate test results.

5. Fasting Before MCU

You will be asked to fast from eating or drinking anything other than water for 10-12 hours before the MCU test. Fasting can help you get more accurate results, especially for blood sugar and lipid tests.

Eating and drinking before the test can change your blood glucose and cholesterol levels. This means that the results may not accurately show how healthy you actually are.

6. Avoid Alcohol and Drugs

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause liver damage, including fatty liver disease, fibrosis and cirrhosis. Even continued moderate consumption of alcohol can increase the risk of liver damage.

It is important to limit or avoid alcohol before the MCU to ensure optimal liver function.

7. Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is an important step in improving your chances of passing the company medical examination. Cigarettes have harmful substances that can cause heart and respiratory diseases, which affect health screening results.

Quitting smoking a few weeks before screening can improve lung health and blood circulation. This will show improvement in test results, such as chest x-rays and blood tests.

8. Consultation with the Doctor

Before undergoing a medical check-up, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. Consult your doctor for advice on how to prepare for medical conditions. This may include adjusting your diet, engaging in physical activity, and regulating medication use.

Consulting with your doctor can help you understand which tests will be done and the most effective way to handle them.

9. Checkup in the Morning

Scheduling a health checkup in the morning provides several benefits. Firstly, blood sugar and blood pressure levels tend to be more stable after resting overnight. This is important as variations in these values can affect test results.

You often need to fast before a blood test, so getting the checkup done in the morning makes fasting easier and shorter.

10. Prepare all documents

Preparing all health-related documents in advance will help smoothen the medical check-up process. This includes your identity card (KTP), health insurance card, and medical records from previous treatments.

Having all these files helps the doctor understand your health history and provide a better assessment.

READ: Medical Check-Up Package

11. Consume Vegetables and Fruits

A diet rich in vegetables and fruits is not only good for digestion, but also increases your intake of essential nutrients.

By following these tips, you can improve your chances of a successful health screening and take better care of your long-term health.

Remember, good MCU preparation is key to ensuring that you pass this important stage successfully.

Here are tips to help you pass the company medical check-up confidently and feel more prepared.


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